Lone Hill is committed to the simple fact that the Church of Jesus Christ must be a missionary church taking His Gospel to those who have not heard it (Matthew 28:18; Mark 16:15-16; Luke 24:47-49).

We currently support five missions which seek to carry the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ to the world. These missions minister outside of Lone Hill Church's sphere of ministry both locally and internationally including Jordan, Alaska, Cambodia, and East Asia.

To maintain this focus, we have an annual missions conference, our Great Commission Rally (GCR), and invite guest speakers and missionaries to report on our Lord's work around the world and the advance of the Gospel.

Imad & Julia Shehadeh with Jordan Evangelical Theological Seminary (JETS) - Ammon, Jordan

mpic Shehadeh Imad Julia

Imad and Julia Shehadeh have been serving together since their marriage in 1978. Julia serves as the spiritual advisor for women students and wives of men students. She also leads the ladies’ ministry at their church. Julia also helps Imad in the editing of his writings. Imad serves as the Founder, President, and Professor at Jordan Evangelical Theological Seminary (JETS). The seminary (founded in 1991) targets the 22 Arabic-speaking countries of the Middle East, Arab Peninsula and North Africa. It offers bachelor (B.Th.), master (M.A.B.S., M.Div.; and Th.M.) and D.Min. degree programs. It has graduates in 26 Arab and non-Arab countries serving as church and parachurch planters, pastors, teachers, writers, evangelists, worship leaders, women’s ministry leaders, and other varied ministries. Imad has authored several books in both Arabic and English and established the JETS Publishing House that produces needed resources for the church in the Arab countries. Imad earned a B.A. from the University of California at San Diego, a Th.M. and a Ph.D. from Dallas Theological Seminary. Imad and Julia have three sons and three grandchildren.

Be sure to check out Jordan Evangelical Theological Seminary here and JETS’ catalogue here.

Would you also like to partner with JETS? Click here to "Donate Now".

John & Suzanne Hatton with Wycliffe Bible Translators - based in Colorado, USA

mpic Hatton John Suzanne

John builds software that empowers language communities around the world to stop waiting for outsiders and get started with Literacy, Bible Translation, and Scripture Engagement. Suzanne serves as the BloomLibrary.org librarian, one of John's software projects, helping to make beginning reading and Scripture Engagement materials available around the world. Partnering with them enables us to be a part of this exciting work. Together with their partners they work to see individuals, communities, and churches using their own languages to encounter God, educate their children, and strengthen their societies.

Be sure to check out the Bloom Library here.

Would you also like to partner with John & Suzanne Hatton? Click here to "Give Now".

Joshua & Karen Fedelem with Youth in Action - Alaska, USA

mpic Fedelem Joshua Karen

Joshua and Karen organize and run Christian Youth in Action Camp, which equips young people to share the Gospel and learn how to teach the components of a Good News Club. This includes a Bible story, missionary story, Bible verse, songs, and review game. This method helps solidify the teens’ faith and also equips them to reach the next generation. They also network with local communities to coordinate clubs. These can be hosted at churches, parks, homes, or schools.

They do this through Child Evangelism F Alaska and use donated funds for camp (facility, Good News Clubs materials, food, activities, transportation), scholarships, and events and clubs (snacks and prizes, food for teen gatherings).

Please pray for Fairbanks and the surrounding communities. For the Gospel to be shared effectively and for softened hearts to receive God’s gift. For the teens as they grow or struggle in their walk with the Lord. For more volunteers, as the interest is greater than our abilities. Please pray for the Fedelems that they would balance family ministry and work wisely.

Be sure to check out the Child Evangelism Fellowship Alaska website here.

Would you also like to partner with Joshua & Karen Fedelem? Click here to "Give Now". Please select Fairbanks Outreach under the “Alaska State Funds” Donate tab.

Nathan & Christiana Wells with ACTION Cambodia - based in Idaho, USA

mpic Wells Nathan Christiana

Nathan arrived in Cambodia in 2003 and became involved in learning the Khmer language and discipling students. For three and a half years he lived with a group of Cambodian young men training and discipling them. Nathan went stateside to study at The Masters Seminary in order to be better equipped to translate God-centered books into the Cambodian language. Nathan was married to Christiana and in 2008 and completed seminary in May 2009. Their daughter, Ava was born three months before they moved back to Cambodia in January of 2010. Nathan and Christiana now have three children, Ava, Paton and John. In 2018, the Wells family relocated to Idaho where Nathan continues to work with the translation team in Cambodia remotely.

Nathan and the ACTION Cambodia team have translated books such as, What Is a Healthy Church? by Mark Dever, The Jesus Storybook Bible by Sally Lloyd-Jones, The Design for Discipleship Series by the Navigators and many more into the Khmer language. They also run a Christian blog, PlovPit.com (which means “The True Way”) that sees over 200,000 views each year.

Be sure to check out the Christian blog PlovPit.com here.

Would you also like to partner with Nathan & Christiana? Click here to "Give Now"

Woody & Esther Kim with Operation Mobilization - East Asia

mpic Kim Woody Esther

Woody currently holds the position of Director within the OM East Asia Area team. His responsibilities encompass project support, leadership development, and fundraising across 16 countries, where a total of 480 workers are involved. The overarching vision of OM East Asia is to empower national leadership, enabling them to take ownership in reaching unreached people groups within their local communities and countries. Meanwhile, Esther is actively engaged in coaching various national Christian workers and also leads prayer meetings grounded in Scripture.

Would you also like to partner with Woody & Esther Kim? Click here to "Donate Now".